BBs and Breath Mints: Tips and Tricks for Sewing

I’m cleaning out my office/craft room today. So this is a hodge podge post. I’m always in search a better notion to add to my collection. I was at the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur, Colorado this summer and picked up a handmade glass paperweight to use as a pattern weight. Pretty and practical! My husband […]

So this is Christmas…

It’s our Christmas tradition every year. Here is our Christmas entry written by my husband. Why the silly Christmas photos from our family? Short answer: because we want to. And we can. And the fact is, the rest of our lives are pretty normal and in some ways, boring. So we do it to amuse […]

My Custom Dress Form-Penny! DIY Custom Dress Form Part 2

My Part 1 (Plaster mold tutorial, polyurethane foam details) is here. As in Penny Pincher, since I was too cheap to spend hundreds of dollars on a custom dress form. My polyurethane foam dress form is finally done. E, my husband, cut the IV stand to size and made a wood platform for the form […]